Royal Copenhagen Christmas 2016

Now that Christmas is fast approaching it is also time for Christmas plates from Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl. As is tradition they are available together with other collectibles that also carry the theme of the Christmas plate.
The theme of the Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate this year is a girl going iceskating in front of the Danish Royal Theatre in Copenhagen.
The Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate shows two children looking at a snowman in front of Hans Christian Andersen's house. This Christmas plate brings memories of the Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate from 1954, where two children are building a snowman in front of Hans Christian Andersen's house.
Royal Copenhagen also continues its tradition of issuing an annual Santa Claus and Christmas tree.
Below you will see this year's Christmas collectibles. Just click on the image to go to the collectible.

Christmas 2016 Collectibles

Annual Santa Claus 2016 from Royal Copenhagen   Annual Christmas Tree 2016 from Royal Copenhagen

Christmas Plate 2016 from Royal Copenhagen   Christmas cup 2016 from Royal Copenhagen

Christmas drop 2016 from Royal Copenhagen   Christmas drop 2016 from Royal Copenhagen

Annual figurine 2016 from Royal Copenhagen   Christmas plate 2016 from Bing & Grondahl

Bing & Grondahl Christmas Bell 2016   Christmas drop 2016 from Bing & Grondahl
