Tuesday, May 24, 2016

3 Good Reasons to Decorate with Plates!

So why should you decorate with plates rather than with regular paintings? This is something that I have thought about as I have both paintings and plates in my home. They both serve well as wall decoration, but they also have different uses in the wall decor. After thinking about it for a while I now have 3 good reasons to decorate with plates for you.

Reason 1 - Plates are easy to fit into a spot

 A plate set into a decorative spot on the wall

Do you know the feeling of having a blank spot on a wall, where you miss something, but can't quite fill it out? It is often small and nothing really fits there, but it feels empty when you look at it. With a plate you can fill the spot and no matter how small the spot is, there will be a plate or plaquette that can fill it out and give some life to the spot. 

Find decorative plates here!

Reason 2 - Plates Are Easy to Group

 Plates set in groups to make a nice setting

Plates are easy to find in matching colours and are therefore easy to group together. They do not necessarily have the same theme in the group, but it is certainly possible to have a group of plates with the same theme set in a decorative group. By grouping the plates you also make them more forceful in the room and they can fill out larger areas, when grouped together.

 A stairway decorated with Danish blue plates

Reason 3 - Plates Can Make Patterns

 Plates set in a pattern matching the furniture

You can hang plates in patterns only limited by your imagination. You can set them in linear, wavy or circular patterns making beautiful shapes on your walls with the plates. This way you can increase the possiblities for wall decorations to a very large extend and at the same time making your decor quite unique. 

 Arabia plates set in a modernistic home decor

In short these three reasons should show the many possibilities you have for decorating in new and interesting ways with your plates. I hope you have been inspired by these ideas to further decorate your home with plates.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Is This Your New Home Decor?

May has arrived and everything is new again! In this lovely season everything blooms anew and this also means that it might be time that you visit new trends. Since May is also the month of Mother's Day, I want to show you some of the home decor ideas connected to Mother's Day.

Beautiful wall decoration from Desirée

 Desiree Mother's Day Plates

Plates are a fun and uncommon way to decorate your living room and you can use the wonderful Mother's Day plates from Desirée Old Danish Blue as a different wall decoration for the living room. They are cheaply available and can be set in patterns on the wall that paintings cannot match.
All the plates have cute and fun motifs that liven up the room. But that is not all! The plates are excellent for having a nice lunch with cute images under the food. And the best thing is that they can be put in the dishwasher. The whole set shown in the picture above can be had for only EUR 22.40!

 Mother's Day Plates

Figurines of Mother and Child

 Figurines of Mother and Child

Mother and child, Bing & Grondahl figurine no. 1021401          Dickie's Mama, mother and child, Bing & Grondahl figurine no. 1642              Happy Trio Mother with two Children, Bing & Grondahl figurine no. 2262

Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl have through the years issued figurines with mother and child as the theme. The production of these figurines have ended, so they are only available as far as they are in stock. You can buy these figurines at very favorable prices compared to the final recommended retail price.

Buy a Flower for Your Mother

 Royal Copenhagen Flower Plates Art of Giving Flowers

With these plates you can give the term "give a flower" a whole new meaning by giving a plate with a beautiful flower motif.

Find a flower plate from only EUR 26.99 here!

Monthly figurine from Royal Copenhagen

 Royal Copenhagen May Girl with Flowers

A new month has arrived and a new figurine from Royal Copenhagen heralds the advent of the lovely month of May. This cute little figurine enjoys the nice weather and has gone picking flowers.

Buy now from only EUR 129.13!

See figurines from Royal Copenhagen here!