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Showing posts from September, 2019

Do you sometimes feel cheated?

Do you know the feeling, when buying online? You get the parcel and it is no larger than a matchbox and you hear yourself saying...  "This is not the parcel, it must be larger!"   One of the common mistakes, when buying online. "We simply do not read the entire description of the item, including size, quality etc., when buying online."     I would definitely be disappointed, if I expected to get a parcel with the large dachshund and got the small one!     TIPS:   Always take the time to read all the information on the website that you wish to buy from and if in doubt, contact the company before buying.    In case of the dachshund figurines you could make a mistake, if you only saw the pictures: Here you get your money's worth If you are interested in old items, it is not the production costs that set the price, but supply and demand. - This means that you get y...