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Showing posts from April, 2019

Easter and Spring Items on Sale!

Wonderful Easter and spring related items on sale. - Huge assortment of  egg cups ,  Easter plates ,  eggs  and the like are ready for your selection. There are many possibilities and many different styles for your Easter and Spring setup. Royal Copenhagen Easter Eggs Sold Out Soon! The Royal Copenhagen Easter eggs have become very popular and many of the earlier years are difficult to find. Royal Copenhagen told us weeks ago that they had already sold out some of the 2019 Easter eggs, so we could not order anymore of these. - This used to mean that these eggs would be difficult to get a hold of and that we would have to increase our price for these soon.   However right now we still have all 2019 eggs and some of the vintage eggs in stock.  Royal Copenhagen Easter Eggs 2019 Easter egg with magnolia, Royal Copenhagen Easter Egg 2019, 6cm Price:  22.87 EUR See more Easter egg...